Sat 11 Jan
💦💦💦💖SPECIALS💖💦💦💦 Call Lia.. Sexy & Juicy💋💋💦💥💦 💖💖 414.699.0172💖💖 - 24
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee Southside)
Spend the Morning Under the Sheets with a Sexy, Green-eyed Brunette! - 35
((southside) S. 4th Ave & E. Benson Hwy., Tucson)
▐▐▐▐▐ ▃▃ ▃▃ FoXy RoXy▃▃ ▃▃▐▐▐▐▐ ▃▃▃▃ Ready Now $60 ▃▃▃▃▐▐▐▐▐ ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▐▐▐▐▐ ▃▃▃▃▃▃ SOUTHSIDE ▃▃▃▃▃▃ - 28
(San Antonio, ••**35 & MILITARY DR✅)
♥♥Nay♡Honey♥♥ Sweet Sensual Skin2Skin Body MeltDown♥ - 24
(Norfolk, ♥In&Out; call♥Vabeach○Norfolk○Chesapeake)
Hampton Roads...Tired Of "Switch and Bait?" Real Pictures of Real Women that show up at YOUR Door! - 23
(Entire Hampton Roads Area)
All NEW girls at my WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY adult house PARTIES - 29
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Southside)
I ____ K _ N _ O _ W _____ Y _ o _ u _____ L _ I _ K _ E _____ - 20
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids Mi Southside)
* Take a mental vacation to 2 LaTiN AmeRiCa and AsiA iN OnE day * honduran / filipina sweetheart! - 26
(southside OUTCALL ONLY)
Incalls/Outcalls📱📲Sexy☕☕☕ Carmel🌰 Mocha Latte☕☕☕ Hot'N Ready 24/7 - 23
★ I'm Back THICK Sexy Latina READY and WILLING to Service you ★ - 34
(Milwaukee, Southside Milwaukee Airport area)
█ ★█___█ █ █ ♡♥CHOCOLATE LOVERS ❶st CHOICE ♥♡♥█ ★█ ___█ █Back to JAX - 29
(Hillsborough Co, Upscale Southside Private location Jax)
((((((((((((((( A S I A N ~ M A S S E U S E ~ O N ~ D U T Y ))))))))))))))) 2 Q T ' S )))))))))))))) - 27
(Savannah, Sav/abercorn/southside)
EVA 912-921-9968 ♡♡♡Beautiful passionate playmate ♡♡ - 25
(Savannah, Southside savannah in call ♢♡outcalls)
* * * No Appointment Necessary * * * Greensboro Incalls Anytime * * * - 37
(Greensboro, Wendover Ave, Greensboro)
Sweet Petite Treat💎Ready For You All Day and Night💯Outcall Only‼️ - 23
(North West, Outcall All Over downtown southside, San Antonio)
WATCH video 4 Proof kinky Nicole 864-329-5095 Holding phone number in pictures - 21
(Richmond, Richmond va southside)
WArM💫 JUiCy💦 TiGht 🍨KuMe play💥n My OCEAN💦✨tHicK FAnTaSy✨~ Ebony Beauty 💋💋💋Incalls/Outcalls - 23
(Richmond, Southside)
°o?o°· YouR NeW AddIctIOn! * SPeCiaLS $50 · °o?o°· PRoSTaTe MaSSaGe $40 °o?o° ToYS N MoRe * - 25
(Richmond, Southside, Midlothian tnpk & Chippenham)
*********Exotic Ebony Treat Avail 24/7 Call Now********** - 20
(Colorado Springs, Garden of the Gods off i25)
BrAnD NeW PiCs ***GoRgEoUs GREEN EmeralD EyEs!!!*** available now! - 21
(Colorado Springs, colorado springs in call specials)
Fri 10 Jan
60💦💦Wetter N Wetter 💦💦 ChynaSplash 1# playmate✔✔ Splash Splash 💦👅💦WATERWORKS - 26
(Lafayette, Southside airport)
° _ Y.O.U.R _ °•❤•° _ L.i.T.T.L.E _ °•❤•° _ S.E.C.R.E.T _ °•❤•° _ AVAILABLE NOW! _ °•*❤ - 19
(Lafayette, pinhook southside)
EstablishedClients!! RSVP ~RachaelMyles~ "Vouched 5*Rev'$&Rep; & Respected 937-301-5269 - 49
(Southside ResidenceIncall I40&Ptrsck;, Winston / Salem)
[[ *DANGEROUSLY *]]__[[* NASTY &FREAKY;*]] __ [[*READY TO PLAY *]] __ [[* # 1 EBONY HOTTIE ]] - 69
(South Tucson I10 Benson)
New Online Gemini 100% All Me/ 60 Special ~ CITY Incall Off I 70 HIGHWAY!!! - 23
°* New College Girl ..? °60 Special° Something N°E°W & Someone S°W °E°E °T... ?° - 22
❌ I R€aLL¥ N££d That A+ ProFe$$£R, ILL Do N€thiNg\€ver¥ThINg 2 g€t iT!!! - - 22 - 22
(Springfield, Southside)
Hott*¤°¤* sexy *¤°¤* well reviewed blonde hottie! *¤°¤* SPECIALS Incall - 23
(Springfield, Southside springfield IN & OUT)
classy💖nasty💖but never trashy•° I was born to tease💖taught to please, & do it with ease!! - 21 - 21
(Richmond, southside)
Sugar Spice Sexy & Everything Nice 💦💋 Call Sasha for 100% Real unrushed fun 😜👅 INCALLS🏠 - 23
(Richmond, Southside ( incall))
Strawberry 🍓 is still here, BUT not for long! So dont waste your time! Come out and play 👅with me! - 45
(Richmond, Southside Richmond)
✋✋✋ STOP✋✋ Pick ME 🙋 👅💦💟 SLIPP€R¥ when W€Τ💦⚠️ Rare to Find ⚠⚠ - 19
(Richmond, richmond area (Southside area ))
💓 LAST day 💓💋💓 A true LADY with a NAUGHTY side 💓 VIOLET mature Soft Sultry Seduction 💓💋💓 - 40
(Richmond, Richmond Southside in&outcalls;)
★♡★ COME ★ TAKE★ My ★ PANT¡ES ★ OFF !! ★ Perfect Ju¡cy Aşş ★ Cert¡fied Freak ★♡★ - 21
(Richmond, Southside Richmond in CALLS only)
««Ebony Cutie... ***Im Your Addiction~ Come Get Your Fixing - 19
(Richmond, willis rd exit Southside)
Bèãütífû£ Båbé __ Ready Now __ ViXen Monroe __ Petite FREAK __ £ets Pla¥ - 21
(Richmond, Southside Near Jahnke Road (In calls))
All Natural New New New ; (B_A_B_Y) °°★°° (D_O_L_L_) .. Waitng To Be Opened Up = New Booty - 21
(Richmond, Richmond Southside)
*§* $50 & $80 Rainy Day Specials :') SNeaK aWAy AnD PLaY ;') $140 SPeCial! OUtcAll!!! - 25
(Richmond, southside, Midlothian tnpk & Chippingham)
🍷 Delightful Tastings Exquisite Desret 🍰 Fulfiling Pleasures - 23
(Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Southside In call specials outcalls 😘)